Things Unsaid
The critically acclaimed novel by Diana Y Paul, is a tale portraying family in all its emotional complexity, tracing back three generations rooted in guilt, karma, obligation, duty, and broken promises.
Award Winning
Book Club Favorite
Women’s Fiction

Things Unsaid Reviews
“With a grace that is absorbing and deft, Paul tackles many difficult questions, including filial responsibility, depression, marital strife, and sexual identity. …The author depicts heart-wrenching conundrums as the three siblings are forced repeatedly to evaluate their personal priorities….An engaging tale of family dysfunction and intractable senior citizens”.
– Kirkus Review
“It is the simplicity of the writing that makes these relationships- and the story- so powerful. … It is certainly worth it to stick around to the end, as more surprises are revealed. Even for those who prefer more action-packed stories, I strongly advise you to take a peek into the lives of these characters and give this story a try. The characters, including the subtle nuances and intricacies of their lives and experiences, are quite moving and memorable.”
— The Editing Pen
“A story of the complexity of the bonds between parents and children and how difficult it can be to escape them, “Things Unsaid” clearly showcases author Diana Paul as having a genuine flair for narrative-driven and truly memorable characters. Very highly recommended, especially for community library General Fiction collections”
— Midwest Book Reviews
Diana Y. Paul is our first to come from the Buddhist tradition. Her novel, Things Unsaid, dissects family and generational relationships not only from the traditional storytelling perspective – and she tells a compelling story – but also from the wellspring of her philosophical beliefs.
– Darrell Laurant, reviewer, Snowflakes Arise

Diana Y Paul
Diana Y. Paul is an award-winning American novelist who dives deep into the complex dynamics of intergenerational families, alternating between love and obligation. Things Unsaid is her critically acclaimed novel about family secrets, lies, obligation, and karma. A Pushcart Prize Nominee, Diana’s novel is a book club favorite.
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Book Reviews
The beloved sister to writing is reading. And here I review novels for the NY Journal of Books.
Articles By Diana
Themes in my novel include family secrets, mother-daughter love, caregiving, and Buddhism. Some of my thoughts about writing in general are here too.
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On my website, www.unhealedwound.com, I give my opinion on both well-known screen dramas and under-the-radar indie and foreign films, totalling more than 500 so far.